In these photos, I have used the grid used for the Rule of Thirds to line up and attempt to balance these photos. I have used a guideline and made both the top of the fence and the guideline match up.
In these photos I have tried to create a leading affect. I used a guideline to line up the bottom of the road to keep it level and balanced.
I attempted to use a grid to line up the edge of the building to the guideline.
This was to make the more important aspects of the photo stand out.
Again, with both the street and the church photos, I used a guideline from the grid to match the corner of the building.
I used the bottom guideline on the grid to match the horizon. I believe this has created a nice affect and made the buildings to the right stand out.
I have used the gridline to make the roof of the building level. I believe this has made the photo come out a lot more balanced. This has made the buildings sad out among the rest of the image.
I have lined the intersection of the gridlines up with the corner of the roof on the right hand side. The guideline also went straight across the bottom of the roof and was the same level to make the photo more balanced.
With these photos I have used the bottom guideline and measured it up with the wall. This has made the photo become tidy and neaten up the surrounding view.
With these photos I have managed to use an intersection of the grid to make the eyes the most important point. The top right intersection is on the right eye and the grid line leading right to the other. This has made the photo more balanced and made the subject stand out.